2023-2024 Cyber Academy Updates, Documents, and Information for Families

2023-2024 UCASD End-of-Year Dates & Reminders for Students - Includes information about the last day of school, due dates, and technology drop-off!

Union City Cyber Academy - Orientation 2023 Invitation

2023-2024 Union City Cyber Academy - COURSE LIST

2023-2024 Union City Cyber Academy Handbook and Signature Page

Union City Cyber Academy Enrollment Questionnaire
Is online learning right for you? Work with your parent or guardian to complete the cyber questionnaire linked above which may help you and your family determine whether virtual learning is the right fit for you! You may also want to check out our updated 2022-2023 Union City Cyber Academy Handbook below to understand our policies and procedures for our cyber academy students.

Cyber Academy Instructional/Demo Videos
Want to see what the online platform looks like? Want to watch a quick tutorial created by the virtual instructors you'll be working with this year? Check out the links below!

  1. Elementary-Level Demonstration

  2. Middle/High School-Level Demonstration Video

Union City Cyber Academy Informational Brochure
Check out this brochure, which highlights our cyber program through our partnership with Warren County SD.

Access to FREE eBooks for Cyber Academy Students
Are you looking for something to read? Did one of your courses require texts from you? Check out the source above for a host of websites for free copies of books.