Important Contacts for Cyber Academy Students & Families
When you/your child is struggling with a particular class, an assignment, a due date, live lessons, class pacing, the structure of the course, questions about materials, etc., please communicate with the individual teachers at Warren.
When you have scheduling questions or general concerns about your/your child's progress, please reach out to your guidance counselors: Elementary - Mr. McMahan (Email Mr. McMahan), Middle School - Mr. Anthony (Email Mr. Anthony), High School - Mrs. Conti (Email Mrs. Conti), and K-12 - Mrs. McNulty (Email Mrs. McNulty).
When you have attendance concerns, please reach out to Mr. Alex Bowes (Email Mr. Alex Bowes).
If you do miss school/morning attendance, please don't forget to submit excuses to your building-level attendance secretaries as per our cyber handbook: Elementary - Mrs. Blystone (Email Mrs. Blystone), Middle School - Mrs. Himrod (Email Mrs. Himrod), and High School - Mrs. Reynolds (Email Mrs. Reynolds).
If you/your child has an IEP or 504 and you have concerns, please communicate with both the teacher at Warren and your case manager at UCASD. Mrs. Stacey Mulson (Email Mrs. Stacey Mulson) is our Director of Pupil Services and is also here to help!
If you are a parent/guardian who would like to be added as an observer to your child's account, please contact Misty Weber at Warren (Email Misty Weber).
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with assignment submission, the online portal, or your individual Buzz Portal account, you can contact Misty Weber (Email Misty Weber).
If you are having challenges with your UCASD-issued Chromebook, please submit a HelpDesk ticket (Email HelpDesk) to our tech team. Be sure to let them know that you are a Union City Cyber Academy student so they can reach out to you for troubleshooting purposes.