The Elementary School was built in 1974 and underwent a traditional renovation in 2000. For the past few years the UCASD School Board has used multiple resources to address the needs of the building. Projects that have been completed to date are: multiple safety and security updates, replacing sidewalks, replacing the pool roof, replacing the pool ceiling, replacing the pool lighting system, replacing the bool boiler, replacing exterior doors, updating security swipe and camera system, replacing water lines in the ceiling, and replacing the school boiler system.

We are in the process of wrapping up replacing all exterior windows, updating all
interior lighting, and updating the HVAC system. The School Board has used money that has been saved over the years and placed in a capital improvement projects, money secured from grants, rebate incentives from the electrical industry, as well as portions of the ESSER dollars distributed to schools that can be used to update things such as air quality and other pandemic related items.

On July 13th the School Board held a special meeting to discuss the remaining
items left to address in the Elementary School. This fall the Board will consider issuing a bond to secure funds to address as many of these remaining items as possible.
In addition to all of these, a team that consisted of summer helpers (Austin and Brady), Parker Hannifin volunteers, and Capella Landscaping (with the support of the United Way and Women United) completed a complete makeover of the courtyard that was worthy of a TV show reveal.

We can't wait for everyone to enjoy the upgrades!