Ready to ROCK! The UCASD MS/HS Gymnasium has been transformed into a VEX Robotics competition field for our very first opportunity to host a tournament right here on our campus. Please join us tomorrow, Saturday, February 15, for the Union City Northwest PA Regional Qualifier, as we welcome more than 30 teams full of talented students from all over the region. For the full agenda and details, visit: HUGE shout-out to the MANY volunteers and parents, guardians, and community members who have made this possible!
2 days ago, Stacey Dell
Robotics Trophies
This Saturday is School Police Officer Appreciation Day. We would like to thank our MS/HS SPO, Officer Ed Schick, for his tireless service and dedication to keeping our students safe at Union City. Officer Schick always keeps the safety of our students first and we are lucky to have him on our team. Thanks Officer Schick!
4 days ago, Dan Keefer
Officer Schick
Congratulations to our District Chorus participants, Carter DeSimone and Delaney Niggel. Both students did an outstanding job and Carter has been selected to participate in Regional Chorus!
7 days ago, Dan Keefer
District Chorus Students
Congratulations to our 2025 Winter Sports Queen, Lily Higby.
8 days ago, Dan Keefer
student with crown
This week is National School Counselor Week. Today we would like to thank our District Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Stephanie McNulty, for her hard work and continued dedication to our students. Mrs. McNulty advises and supports our students in all three buildings and her expertise in services to support student mental health is critical to the success of our students. Thank you Mrs. McNulty!!
9 days ago, Dan Keefer
faculty photo
This week is National School Counselor Week. Today we would like to thank our High School Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Anne Conti, for her hard work and continued dedication to our students. Mrs. Conti continually advocates and supports our students each and every day as they navigate through high school and pursue their career goals after graduation. Thank you Mrs. Conti!!
12 days ago, Dan Keefer
Faculty Photo
Congratulations to our 2025 Winter Sports King - Abdalla Fikiri!
13 days ago, Dan Keefer
student posing with crown
Congratulations to our 2025 Winter Sports Court!
18 days ago, Dan Keefer
Winter Sports Court
We recognized our Basketball and Basketball Cheerleading Seniors on January 14th. Thank you for your years of dedication to Union City Athletics!
about 1 month ago, Dan Keefer
basketball seniors
Thank you Senior Wrestling Cheerleaders for supporting our program. Best wishes on all your future endeavors!
about 1 month ago, Dan Keefer
wrestling cheer seniors
Congratulations to our Senior Wrestlers and best wishes on a successful future! Thank you for your years of dedication to Union City Wrestling!
about 1 month ago, Dan Keefer
wrestling seniors
Union City is honored to serve as a HOST for an upcoming VEX V5 Robotics Competition. The Union City Northwest PA Regional Qualifier will be held on Saturday, February 15, 2025 right here on our campus! Your help is needed - We are looking for volunteers for this highly engaging event that is bringing more than 40 registered teams from across the region right here to UC! You can check out the event details below and use the Sign-Up Genius link to register as a volunteer for the day: Event Details: Event Volunteer Sign-Up: If you have any questions about this event or our Robotics program, please contact Mr. Josh Mumau, our Robotics team advisor, at the Middle/High School: Thank you for supporting UC Robotics!
about 1 month ago, Stacey Dell
Congratulations to our November BEAR Values winners!
2 months ago, Dan Keefer
students with certificates
Did you know that UCASD and ErieTogether are partnering with Penn College of Technology to expand their Advanced Manufacturing Pre-Apprenticeship (AMP) Program to students here in NWPA? So far, we have several UC students enrolled in this unique opportunity with PCT, and there are still 12 seats open to qualifying high school students for next semester! If you are an 11th or 12th grade student interested in this program, talk to your guidance counselor (Mrs. Conti, for students enrolled here at UCASD) to see if this program is a good fit for you! Parents, guardians, students, staff, and counselors can also feel free to reach out to Ross Berger at PCT on the flier below to learn more about this NWPA Cohort taking place next semester!
2 months ago, Stacey Dell
YEARBOOK ORDERS ARE DUE DECEMBER 13th!! Cost is $60 for high school and $20 for Middle School. A $5 down payment will reserve your copy. Stop and see Mrs. Mumau to place your order!!
3 months ago, Dan Keefer
yearbook ad
We are giving a huge welcome to ErieBank and the volunteers here today to bring the Reality Fair to our 10th and 12th graders here at UCASD! Today will be a great opportunity for our students to learn about financial wellness and live out their selected career pathways!
3 months ago, Stacey Dell
volunteers meeting
Did you know that UCASD is the recipient of one of the statewide PaTTAN Developing Future Special Educators Grants? These funds will help our students explore the many career pathways possible through special education through a speaker series, field trips, job shadowing experiences, and more! THANK YOU, Mrs. Webber and Mrs. Williams, for kicking off our #UCASDCareersinSpecialEducation speaker series on November 19 with their presentation to students in Grades 8-12 on the School Psychology Career Pathway! Keep your eyes peeled for our next sessions in the series coming in December and January!
3 months ago, Stacey Dell
school psych
It's National School Psychologist Week and we have two of the best here at Union City! Thank you Mrs. Webber and Mrs. Williams for all of your hard work and support of our students here at Union City!
3 months ago, Dan Keefer
school psychologist flyer
Please consider donating to our November Food Drive - Think Global Act Local - to help families in need. Non-perishable food items are being collected in student's 1st period classes through December 6th.
3 months ago, Dan Keefer
Food Drive Flyer
Congratulations to our October BEAR Values winners!
3 months ago, Dan Keefer
Students with awards