Title I Programming at Union City Area School District
Our elementary school receives federal funding through Title I. Our district is committed to involving families in our academic planning to ensure that these funds are used to equip our students with the resources and tools that they need to be successful! We look forward to continued work during the 2024-2025 school year to revise our compact, to seek input on funding ideas and areas of need, and to learn about ways we can work together as a community to empower our students.
Each elementary family would have received a letter about our Title I programming in their child's beginning-of-the-year packet. We host an annual Title I Parent Meeting, an annual review of our Title I Parent Compact & Board Policies, and other events geared toward engaging families and students in the learning process. This and other information about Title I events will be posted here and on our elementary school homepage. Take a look below at some of our events planned for this year, as well as some general resources and information about Title I at UCASD!
2024-2025 Title I Program
We are really excited about the 2024-2025 school year, as we have at least FIVE parent engagements lined up for the year, including events that were part of our feedback from the 2023-2024 Title I Parent Engagement Survey. Your opinion matters, and we are so excited to be providing these events so our students, families, faculty, and staff can learn and grow alongside each other. Specific information about each of these events will be shared with families via email, Thrillshare, our LiveFeed on our website, and via paper fliers. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for these events!

Thank you for joining us for our first two Title I events this year!

Upcoming Title I Parent Compact Review: Calling All Parents & Guardians - We Need Your Input
We are looking for a few parents/guardians of UC Elementary students to join our Title I team to engage in our annual review of the Title I Parent/School Compact, our Family Engagement Policies, and our Stakeholder Surveys. If you can join us, please send an email to Stacey Dell (sdell@ucasd.org) anytime before 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 24. Light refreshments and some Thank You gifts will be provided! See the flier below, which was sent home family count, sent via email, and posted on our LiveFeed, as well!

Coming Soon:
A posted copy of our revised 2024-2025 Title I Parent Compact and Family Engagement Policy
A link to complete our 2024-2025 Title I Family Engagement Survey
A posted copy of our revised and PDE approved 2024-2025 Title I Schoolwide Plan
General Information about Title I at UCASD
Resources about Title I Programming & Parental Involvement
Union City Area School District Title I Policies
UCASD Policy 918: Title I Parent and Family Engagement
If you have questions about Title I and other federal programs, please reach out to our Director of Curriculum & Special Programs, Mrs. Stacey Dell, at (814) 438-3804 ext. 5457 or sdell@ucasd.org. To learn more about future Title I events at our elementary school, you can contact the Director of Curriculum & Special Programs or our Elementary School Principal, Dr. Melissa Tomcho at (814) 438-7611 ext. 3407 or mtomcho@ucasd.org.
2023-2024 Title I Program
Title I Schoolwide Plan for 2023-2024
Thanks to our steering committee, we were able to review and update our Title I Schoolwide Plan in August of 2023 and will update it again in August of 2024. Check out last year's Schoolwide plan below!
2023-2024 Title I Schoolwide Plan for Union City Area Elementary
Title I Annual Parent Meeting & Book BINGO - October 2023
We had another AWESOME Title I Parent Meeting along at last year's Title I BOOK BINGO event! Check out our Google Slide presentation below to see what we covered during the meeting.
2023-2024 Title I Annual Parent Meeting - October 26, 2023 - Google Slide Presentation
Annual Title I Parent Meeting Agenda - October 26, 2023
Title I Annual Parent Compact Review - December 2023
A huge thank you to the parents/guardians who attended our annual review of our Title I Parent/School Compact, our Title I School Board Policy (linked on this page), and our Title I Equity Plan! Updated copies of these documents are posted below and will also mailed home in January!
2023-2024 Title I Parent Compact - Revised 12.06.2023
2023-2024 Title I Parent Compact Review Agenda - December 6, 2023
Original Invitation (November 2023) for Title I Parent Compact Review
Title I Annual Parent Engagement Survey - January 2024
Along with copies of the above-mentioned documents, families also had the option to complete a paper copy of our Title I Parent Engagement survey, which was been revised and will be shared with all families in January of 2024.
Title I Events - 2023-2024
We had lots of exciting events in 2023-2024. In addition to our Book BINGO event last Fall, families were invited to mathematics events and literacy events in January-May! Keep your eyes and ears peeled for event notifications via the UCASD App and website, email, and phone calls!